Solar Bucket

Invest in Solar

It’s time to invest today as solar makes financial sense.

Commercial Solar Projects are a smart investment. Solar provides a competitive return on your money whilst also recognising the long-term benefits to being green.

Financial Return

Commercial Solar Projects are a smart investment. Solar has very low maintenance costs, long warranties and system efficiencies are at a record high. All our community projects provide a 8% IRR or greater.

Environmental return

Investors looking for a competitive return on their money whilst also recognising the long-term benefits to society of clean, virtually limitless renewable energy.

Long term and never locked in

The performance warranty of a solar panel is 25 years so you can invest in solar for a lifetime. If you wish to exit, Solar Bucket provide a trading platform to sell your shares at anytime.

Invest in your community

Use the form below to get in touch with Solar Bucket to discuss investment in a community project